Printable Chord Chart

It’s nice to have a Chord Chart handy. You can find them online, most are on pages that will bury you in ads, site banners and pop-ups. Many are just click bait.

Here’s a good one, from Luna Guitars . It’s clear, concise and Printable! Simple, easy to read, beautiful.

Most Chord Charts found in sites online are either not printable, or very difficult to do so (they make it hard). This one is great, it makes a perfect table-side reference for your practice and learning sessions. Also handy, when you’re writing a song & searching for that elusive chord. It prints in Two Pages, can be save as as PDF file as well.
Click Photo or Text to Get This Printable Chord Chart

Thanks to Luna Guitars and while you’re at it, you may enjoy checking out their wares. Some excellent instruments (not just ukes).

Click Here to Visit Luna Guitars